The “Right to Farm Bill” is an aggressive agricultural gagging attempt that is out of line with community expectations on animal welfare.
The Bill will impact on civil liberties, including the rights of neighbours to live on their property peacefully, the right to peaceful protest and the ability of whistleblowers to report animal cruelty.
Jailing those who expose animal cruelty is not the answer, and this added threat to whistle-blowers is simply another attempt to stifle the public’s right to know about what goes on behind closed doors in the animal agribusiness industry.
I will be residing over the Inquiry into this bill on October 3rd as Deputy Chair and my team will be updating you live from the Inquiry on the day.
Stay tuned and together we can tell the NSW Government that the community does not support their attempts to hide cruelty in the animal agribusiness industry.
In the meantime, sign up to my mailing list and I'll keep you updated about new information as it happens here in Parliament.