Petition: Call for Australia Post to Ban the Shipping of Live Animals


Live animals such as bees are shockingly being sent through Australia Post. These packages are treated like regular mail - subjecting the animals to rough handling, extreme temperatures, and a lack of basic necessities like air, food, and water.


Recently, a package containing a queen bee and her nurse bees was lost for 10 days, including during scorching 30-degree heat. Despite urgent efforts to locate the package, the bees arrived dead—a fate all too common for live animals shipped this way.

By signing the petition below you are calling on the NSW Government to outlaw this cruel treatment of animals and to demand Australia Post urgently introduce policies to ban sending all live animals through the post.

Who's signing

Kristen Proctor
Carly Richards
Gaspare Scibilia
Diana Cardenas
Beata Maglai
Dina Issa
Laura Dean
Ella Frood
Moira Sheppard
Chantelle Reed
Natalie Davino
Cristina Galeazzi
gregori oliveira marangon
Mariska Hawley
Bianca Borysiewicz
Pagan Madarassy
Krishna Tiwari
Tamsin Gloag
Lisa Cash
Janet McIntyre
Lynda Godfrey
Valerie Rabot
Nadia Vincent
Kerry Barnes
Evelyne Veillard
Erin Ghattas
Vicki Pellegrini
Anna Maria Muller
Caitlin Owens
Catalina Elena
1,000 signatures

Will you sign?