With your support we’ve already been able to achieve so much for animals. While in office, we’ve:
- Ended the use of cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises) for entertainment
- Ensured 8-fold increases in penalties for animal abuse
- Obtained mandatory lifetime animal bans for serious abusers
- Outlawed convenience killing in pounds
- Banned the production, possession, and distribution of bestiality and animal crush videos
- Changed laws to recognise the link between animal abuse and domestic violence
- Included animals on ADVOs
- Secured funding for refuges to build facilities to house animals escaping violence
- Amended the Working With Children Check system to ensure animal abusers cannot work with children. This includes anyone convicted of the production, possession or distribution of bestiality and animal crush videos
- Secured interim animal bans while abusers are still in court
- Obtained $2.8 million in budget funding to eradicate wombat mange
- Stopped by-laws banning animals in strata complexes
- Raised $33k for animal sanctuaries during the bushfires
- Secured a yearly inquiry with enforcement agencies on animal protection and prosecution
- Passed numerous notices of motion on critical issues affecting animals, including motions calling for a ban on puppy farming, supporting an immunocontraceptive darting trial for horses in Kosciuszko National Park, condemning the fur industry, criticising the Agriculture Minister for refusing to ban battery cages, calling for a review of animal hoarding laws, and calling for more funding for assistance for animals in emergencies.
- Included a recommendation for transFARMation in a dairy inquiry report
We’ve worked with local councils across NSW which has led to:
- Six councils going fur free
- Three councils supporting a ban on killer shark nets
- Blue Mountains Council recognising animal sentience and supporting a ban on cruel 1080 poison
And we’ve held inquiries into:
- Battery cage hens
- Agricultural gagging laws
- The exploitation of animals for entertainment
- The dairy industry
- Koala protection and the “Koala Kill” bill
- The kangaroo industry
- Animal cruelty laws
- Reducing plastic waste pollution
- Puppy farming
- The enforcement of animal protection laws
- All animal protection laws
- The use of animals in medical experimentation
We are not done yet. There is so much more to do, but given what we’ve already achieved, we know that together with your support we can do even more great things for animals going forward.
Watch this space!