Questions regarding animal activist trespass and nuisance complaints

Ms Ward is asked to outline if there are "repeat offenders" of animal activism.

She notes that the Animal Defenders Office has only had a single 'client' whose case would fall under this Bill. She adds that while the accused 'group' pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court, the penalties were overturned by the District Court. Ms Ward clarifies the case related to 'alleged' interference.


The committee notes that 800 nuisance complaints go to Council.

Ms Ward notes that this Bill does not impact on complaints going to Council, the pathway will remain the same. She continues on the issue of 1080 baits which have been banned in multiple other countries - Ms Ward notes that this is on the "severe end of the scale in terms of impact" because it is a legal form of pest control that has killed multiple companion animals in properties neighbouring farms.

She continues to outline a case where two dogs who had been poisoned with 1080 baits off a private property regurgitated baits on the private property, consequently leading to the death of animals remaining on the property.

Ms Ward continues, saying that the three nuisance complaints that made it to Court does not provide an evidence based need for this law. She reiterates that the majority of cases are brought to Council, something this legislation does not address.