Petition: Dogs in hot cars

It can take a little as 6 minutes for a dog to die in a hot car.

Even on cool days, the temperature inside a car can rapidly heat up to double that outside. A dog trapped in this environment can quickly suffer from dehydration and heat stress. In the time it takes to grab something from the shops, a dog left in a car may have already died an agonising death.

Victoria has introduced regulations making it illegal to dangerously leave animals in cars.

There is currently no law in NSW which says it is illegal to leave an animal alone in a hot car.

As we head into summer, we urgently need strong laws that stop people from jeopardising  animals’ lives for the sake of convenience. This cannot wait.

By signing the petition below, you’ll be calling on the NSW Government to urgently change the law and make it a crime to leave any animal alone in a hot car.

Who's signing

Sue Antasuda
Pamela Hill
Alison Williams Williams
Sam Mitchell
Jerremy Eid
Anna Eid
Michele Nicholas
Emma Lucas
Jodi Igard
Tanya Becker
Clelia Valdez
Stacey Holliday
Shane Green
Bellinda Rolf-Jansen
Wendy Rae
Wendy Forster
Julie Hosler
Rachel Heming
Christine Gibbons
Antoinette Dusaid
Kelly Goldsmith
Camila Grotti
Brenda Wilkinson
Anja Gramueller-Southon
jillian fletcher
Susan Kerr
Liz Curtis
Bambi Coleman
Sonya Burgess
Van Nguyen
4,000 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 3058 reactions

  • Sue Antasuda
    signed 2020-10-14 19:58:56 +1100
  • Pamela Hill
    signed 2020-10-14 03:59:22 +1100
  • Alison Williams Williams
    signed 2020-10-13 22:53:18 +1100
  • Sam Mitchell
    signed 2020-10-13 22:17:18 +1100
  • Jerremy Eid
    signed via 2020-10-13 19:09:55 +1100
  • Anna Eid
    signed via 2020-10-13 18:44:59 +1100
  • Michele Nicholas
    signed via 2020-10-13 18:41:53 +1100
  • Emma Lucas
    signed 2020-10-13 15:56:33 +1100
  • Jodi Igard
    signed 2020-10-13 11:44:16 +1100
  • Tanya Becker
    signed 2020-10-13 07:55:42 +1100
  • Clelia Valdez
    signed 2020-10-13 02:40:00 +1100
  • Stacey Holliday
    signed 2020-10-13 02:33:00 +1100
  • Shane Green
    signed 2020-10-12 22:52:14 +1100
  • Bellinda Rolf-Jansen
    signed 2020-10-12 21:22:17 +1100
  • Wendy Rae
    signed 2020-10-12 21:10:47 +1100
  • Wendy Forster
    signed 2020-10-12 21:09:26 +1100
  • Julie Hosler
    signed via 2020-10-12 18:04:00 +1100
  • Rachel Heming
    signed 2020-10-12 16:00:59 +1100
  • Christine Gibbons
    signed via 2020-10-12 15:10:11 +1100
  • Antoinette Dusaid
    signed via 2020-10-12 14:55:18 +1100
  • Kelly Goldsmith
    signed 2020-10-12 13:15:46 +1100
  • Camila Grotti
    signed 2020-10-12 10:51:49 +1100
  • Brenda Wilkinson
    signed via 2020-10-12 10:22:46 +1100
  • Anja Gramueller-Southon
    signed via 2020-10-12 10:21:26 +1100
  • jillian fletcher
    signed 2020-10-12 09:48:50 +1100
  • Susan Kerr
    signed 2020-10-11 22:28:32 +1100
  • Liz Curtis
    signed 2020-10-11 22:19:04 +1100
  • Bambi Coleman
    signed 2020-10-11 21:55:56 +1100
  • Sonya Burgess
    signed 2020-10-11 21:47:45 +1100
  • Van Nguyen
    signed 2020-10-11 21:29:00 +1100