Further debate on trespass, negligence and nuisance

Mr Whiteside notes that he is unable to provide a breakdown of trespass offences that have been committed. Questions will not be taken on notice.

The committee raises the issue of "negligence" and "nuisance" as included in the Bill.

Mr McKnight says that at the core of negligence is unreasonable behaviour, and Mr Vincent notes that negligence will be addressed in the Supreme Court, not by rural police.

Mr Hansen adds that while there have not been many nuisance claims previously, but given population growth there may be an increase in the number of claims (especially as raised with councils).

The committee questions whether the broadening the nuisance protection severely reduces the rights of private landholders who live close to a farm. North Coast blueberry farms are used as an example.

Mr Hansen says it is the question between "negligent" and "unlawful" activity. He says that it does not stop neighbours from taking action but instead provides protection for farmers. He adds that if negligence exists, the added protections will not have any effects.