Webinar: "We don’t want our home to become Australia’s puppy farm capital"

Over the past 6 months the Murray River Council has received multiple Development Applications for puppy farmers moving into the local community. Many have already been approved.
With an influx of notorious Victorian puppy farmers moving over the border to escape Victoria’s tough new legislation, it's time to take action.
Come along to hear about our new puppy farm campaign from MP Emma Hurst, Oscar's Law Founder Deb Tranter, and Oscar's Law President Georgie Purcell, share what you know, and learn about you can take action and stop this animal cruelty from happening in your area.

July 14, 2020 at 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Tash Poole

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Tash Poole

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  • Tash Poole
    rsvped 2020-07-12 20:24:43 +1000