Slaughterhouse Workers Have PTSD3 animals per second, over 10,000 per hour - that’s how many animals are killed in abattoirs across Australia, day in, day out. And it’s not just animals that suffer – abattoir workers do too. I’ve seen the undercover footage in slaughterhouses – of animals beaten, punched, kicked, ridden, smashed with hammers, screaming as they are gassed, or improperly stunned and still conscious when their throats are slit- I’ve seen it all. But it is too simple to blame the slaughterhouse workers. We need to recognise the psychological toll for those working in these places. Research has linked ‘slaughter work’ to a variety of mental health issues including PTSD and the lesser-known PITS (perpetration-induced traumatic stress). It’s also connected to increased crime rates, domestic abuse, and substance abuse. But the solution is simple – every time someone buys flesh they are funding an industry that is cruel to animals, and that exploits vulnerable workers. If you want to end violence- don’t buy it. #GoVegan
Posted by Emma Hurst - Animal Justice Party MP on Thursday, July 2, 2020
Slaughterhouse Workers Have PTSD
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