Immunocontraceptive Darting Members Statement

Kosciuszko National Park is an important natural environment that is home to unique native animals that must be protected. However, the Animal Justice Party is equally concerned about the welfare and wellbeing of the wild horses that presently occupy Kosciusko. Let us be clear: No species of animal is planning an invasion and no species of animal has an evil intent. The wild horses that reside in Kosciusko did not ask to be brought here. I urge members of this House to think compassionately and consider the interests of all species of animals involved in this situation. A wild horse has the same capacity to feel pain and fear as a native animal and their lives deserve the same level of dignity and respect. Immunocontraceptives have successfully been used in the United States to reduce horse numbers for over 15 years. It is time for Australia to catch up.

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  • Emma Hurst
    published this page in Speeches 2021-02-17 10:43:10 +1100