Petition: Ban 1080 Poison

Right now the NSW Government is rolling out its biggest 1080 baiting program yet. Millions of toxic baits are being dropped from helicopters, along trails and buried in mounds across national parks. 

Any animal unfortunate enough to ingest 1080 will suffer a slow and agonising death. They will experience vomiting, disorientation, uncontrollable shaking, frenzied running and screaming fits, as well as seizures lasting up to 48 hours before their eventual death.

The use of 1080 poison is cruel, dangerous, and irresponsible. It must be banned in NSW.

By signing the petition below, you’ll be telling the NSW Government to ban the use of 1080 poison and invest in ethical, non-lethal alternatives.

Who's signing

Linda Payler-Kemp
Kerry McNarn
Mark Wilson
Judy Blair
Jasmine Farlow
Jennifer Lonsdale
Matt Bradshaw
Beryl Dix
Michelle Hayward
Jeannette Powell
Mark Schaffer
Ben Khoo
S Downing
Skye Grech
Saski Harper
Jennifer Newman
Matthew Hopson
Annelies Craig
Jayne Guiney
Rhianna Riley
Phillip Browning
Kim Heaton
Sharyn wells
Cris Doosey
Blake Baez-Hedges
Jeanette Flanagan
Lorna Mitchell
Jen Hirst
Zoe Paradise
Philip Devine
4,000 signatures

Will you sign?