Call For A Minister For Animal Protection


Animal protection is failing - but the solution is simple. We need a Minister for Animal Protection who will oversee animal cruelty laws and their enforcement. 

Right now, the Minister for Agriculture, who holds the portfolio for animal protection, also represents and is in charge of promoting animal use industries. Imagine having a Minister for Mining in charge of environmental protection. There is a major conflict of interest here that needs to change. 

By signing the petition below, you’ll be joining the call to move the portfolio for animal protection away from the Agriculture Minister, to a Minister for Animal Protection who will oversee animal cruelty laws and their enforcement.

Who's signing

Harvie Strang
Judit Deák
Alisha Kennedy
Ekaterina Chernyshova
Barbara Morgan
Alexis Nicholas
Bee Morgan
Marilyn Jurlina
Michael Gerace
Deborah Graham
Kelsie Pirini
Debra Sherwood
Maree Purton
Crissy Coletta
yvonne paindelli
Dianne McQuade
Mel DuBois-Royle
Julie Dawn Benn
Katy McMurray
lm melville
Cheryl Jackson
Kerry Hopkins
Maree Rogers
Rose Riddington
Jeannette MacDonald
Cameron Sheldon
Irina Dunn
Mary Forbes
Dem Callisto
Sue Hemingway
3,000 signatures

Will you sign?