Call For A Minister For Animal Protection


Animal protection is failing - but the solution is simple. We need a Minister for Animal Protection who will oversee animal cruelty laws and their enforcement. 

Right now, the Minister for Agriculture, who holds the portfolio for animal protection, also represents and is in charge of promoting animal use industries. Imagine having a Minister for Mining in charge of environmental protection. There is a major conflict of interest here that needs to change. 

By signing the petition below, you’ll be joining the call to move the portfolio for animal protection away from the Agriculture Minister, to a Minister for Animal Protection who will oversee animal cruelty laws and their enforcement.

Who's signing

Sarah Hardie
Helen Tree
Tanya Selth
Alan Long
Rachael Blyth
Julia McMullen
Kara Phillips
Arun Dharmarajan
Vee Greenwood
Melissa Lane
Cheyenne Coupland
Alyssa Shearman
Jennifer Carbajal
Liane Paco
Anna Hoglind
Rochelle Matheson
Bridget Parker
Lynnette Graham
Sarah Jane
Jazz Rios
Krisztina Berenger
Elena Andersen
Jessica Gauci
Diana Atomoaie
Noni Ahluwalia
Simon Kinder
Jodie Pignone
Maria Wand
Jessica Abdo
3,000 signatures

Will you sign?